
Worldcoin: One day after launch, WLD FUD thrives

The excitement around the project has been toned down. And while some issues were raised, there could still be potential for…



  • After a brief decrease, WLD gained another 22.35% in the last 24 hours.
  • Ethereum’s co-founder discussed some pros and cons as positive sentiment fell.

The much-anticipated launch of Worldcoin [WLD] was met with great fanfare. However, its initial hours of entering the market were not without controversy. As a large part of the market expected, the WLD token, backed by a number of Venture Capitalists (VCs), increased as high as 85% within hours of the introduction.

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However, the same price fell by 22.28% momentarily before its latest race back to $2.48 at press time. But that’s not all that has happened with the project. 

FUD in the building 

Just one day after its launch, FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) seemed to surround the project. This was because potential investors raised questions and some on-chain analysts dived deep into possible cons. 

As a result of the spreading discussions and comments about WLD, Santiment tweeted that WLD was one of the top subjects being analyzed on several social platforms. However, the on-chain analytic platform also noted that most of the conversions tilted towards negativity.

Previously, Ethereum’s [ETH] co-founder Vitalik Buterin had made his opinion about the project known to the public on 24 July. Dissecting Worldcoin’s Proof of Humanity idea, Buterin noted that the privacy concerns and ethical issues raised in some corners could be valid.

At the same time, he opined that the proof of personhood developed by the project was important. He gave reasons for this opinion explaining that,

Proof of personhood is valuable because it solves a lot of anti-spam and anti-concentration-of-power problems that many people have, in a way that avoids dependence on centralized authorities and reveals the minimal information possible

On another end, pseudonymous on-chain sleuth ZachXBT raised some issues about the Worldcoin project. According to him, the project’s verification method could lead to the emergence of black-market accounts.

A quick change in the narrative

ZachXBT also accused Wolrdcoin of exploiting people from developing countries. But he also mentioned that the project’s future depends on the general narrative it would get around the crypto community.

Meanwhile, the weighted sentiment around WLD has been declining. At press time, the metric was down to 4.588. Intuitively, this metric is a social-volume weighted balance of the perception of an asset.

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When it spikes, it implies that a vast majority of messages around an asset are positive. But when it falls, it means the average comment about an asset is negative, like in WLD’s case. This reinforced Santiment’s aforementioned opinion that FUD existed.

On the social volume front, the on-chain analytic platform showed that it had decreased. This means that the search for the WLD token has reduced compared to the period of launch.

Source: Santiment